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5 Basic Types of Cleaning Cloths

Cleaning rags are an important asset to any household. The stronger fabric makes cleaning faster and easier. Unlike paper towels, rags can be cleaned and reused. Some rags are made with fabrics that perform a specific task such as dusting or polishing. When it comes to cleaning surfaces, different types of cleaning rags have varying effects. For the best result, it is important to understand what each material is meant to accomplish.

Terry Cloth

Terry cloth is a cotton fabric that is often used for bath towels. It is highly absorbent which makes it perfect for cleaning up liquid spills. It is also a popular fabric for janitorial cleaning rags since it is a strong multi-purpose material.

Dusting Sheets

Dusting sheets are made of very thin cotton material, much like bedsheets. They are low-lint which makes them ideal for dusting surfaces and wiping walls. They can also be used to cover furniture and other objects throughout the cleaning process.

Knit Cloths

Old T-shirt fabric makes for great multi-purpose cleaning fabric. It is also suitable for polishing.

Polishing Towels

This is a specific type of towel meant for polishing and detailing. It is composed of a soft fabric that protects the item being polished and is good for even distribution. These towels are very good for mechanical purposes or in-home use.

Bar Mop Towels

Bar mop towels are low-lint and absorbent which makes them perfect for kitchen cleaning and tasks. They are very cost-effective because they can be used for heavy-duty, multi-purpose cleaning and are also machine washable.

Rags are handy in any cleaning situation and work especially well for large-scale messes. Cleaning rags are far more environmentally friendly and lessen the amount of lint left behind compared to paper cleaning products such as napkins or paper towels. Whether you are a professional cleaner or a professional mom, investing in cleaning rags can make the job easier and less stressful.

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